Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Bright and Sunny Day at Lucketts

Megan and I headed out first thing Saturday morning for a bright and sunny day at Lucketts! It was an absolutely gorgeous day. But gosh, the pollen count must have been sky high - achoo (repeat over and over and over again)!

We loved all the industrial furniture just outside the back entrance. There was a definite Restoration Harware vibe going on there. And then this piece caught our eye. What a cool kitchen island, craft room table or awesome counter for a vintage shop. It reminded me of the desk I found at Lucketts a few years ago and turned into our Elizabeth & Co. counter. Someone asked if I was taking a picture to copy it. Ha! Maybe it's really the other way around!

Vintage letters in all shapes and sizes were EVERYWHERE!
And yes, that is Megan's yellow sneaker in the picture. I bet you're not at all surprised that she wears yellow sneakers!

Garden elements were very popular. These rustic boxes with tool handles were just really fun and creative!

Loved the simplicity of vintage jars with fresh flowers.

And everything is better with numbers, don't you think?

I've been wanting to do a piece in this color combination - pretty inspiration!

The Union Jack theme is still going strong. And I think it's even more fun in fresh color combinations!

One of the hightlights of Lucketts is connecting with some of my blogging friends. This of course could only be Miss Mustard Seed's booth. We chatted about her new milk paint line. I will definitely give it a try. And while we were talking, Sherry from No Minimalist Here stopped by. Nice to fnally meet you Sherry! ... I know, I should have pictures. But seriously people, my allergies were killing me! I was trying to take it all in while juggling a handful of tissues!

The tags that Jamie from Freckled Laundry made for Marian are just adorable! And Ann from On Sutton Place, we checked out your linens too - just beautiful!

We also met Connie from Hartwood Roses and Deborah from Confessions of a Craigslist Junkie. They teamed up and shared a fabulous space. Connie was making sure that everyone was wearing their sunscreen. And the best line of the day came from Deborah. When she met Megan, she said, "Aren't you the one who does a lot the work?" ..... Yes she does!

This was our favorite vignette of the day! I dream of having a gorgeous garden party on the patio just like this one day!

Megan and I just loved the combination of rustic and elegant elements all throughout this booth. And check out those placemats.

Yes, they are slate roof tiles - genius!

My favorite purchase of the day was an olive bucket. I have wanted one for a while now and these were reasonably priced (reasonable is a relative term). When I brought it home, my husband said, "That will never hold water!" Funny guy, second best line of the day!

After Lucketts, Megan and I  headed off for some additional retail therapy, as in outlet shopping. That was of course after the crazy detour that the policeman directing traffic out of the parking lot sent us on. Not sure what the heck that was about! .... And thank you to all the strangers who said, "Bless you!" as I sneezed my way through the day! .... I am blessed. It was a wonderful day, hanging out with my best girl!


Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like a ton of fun! I really like that union jack paint job only I'd use that as a buffet. Such great inspirational pictures.

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Sharon, It was so nice to meet you in person. It was a great show and we really had fun. Love your new basket.
xo, Sherry

NanaDiana said...

Oh- I am so glad you went and it sounds like you had a good time even if you did sneeze your way through the day. I read on Connie's blog that she was doling out sunscreen to anyone and everyone...she is a fun gal.

I love your olive bucket and am so glad that you met some new/old friends along the way- xo Diana

ps....tell you hubby you can always line it with cement and then it WILL hold water...might be a tad heavy to tote though~

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh I would so love to go. Looks like so much fun and tons of great things. Hugs, Marty

Twice Nice said...

I am green with envy ;-)! Looks like so much fun! I tell my Mr. all the time that we need to schedule a visit to his family (in PA) around Lucketts for once!!!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Looks like the show was a ton of FUN!!! I'm so jealous that I live to far away to make it there:( Thanks for sharing it with me.


Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day, minus the sneezing of course. Lucky you to meet so many blog friends in person.

Sayuri said...

I seriously wish I could've been there!!
So many beautiful things and blog friends you can finaly meet in person.....
Sorry to hear about your sneezing though, I hope it's over now...

{northern cottage} said...

Yum - looks like such a fun day!!

Cyndi ✪ Blue Star said...

Jealous does not begin to describe how I feel about not living close enough to attend Lucketts! Sound like you had a marvelous time (minus the sneezing). I've been wanting an olive bucket, too! I'm heading to a new antique market next weekend. Maybe I'll find one there!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

looks like so much fun! maybe i'll go next year!

Tombstone Livestock said...

Love the olive bucket, have to agree it won't hold water, but then I bet you did not buy it for a water bucket. Good Score.

Ali Richardson said...

Sharon, you got some GREAT pictures!!! Looks like you two had a blast :)

Cassie Bustamante said...

looks like you had an awesome time! my post is going up tomorrow late morning... we had a blast and the weather could not have been better! i am thinking next year i may take the consumer only option as well- it was so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh I wish I could go!!!! How fun!

Gwen @ The Bold Abode said...

How neat! I'd love to go...maybe next year!!! Browsing around there sounds dreamy...

Our Pinteresting Family said...

Love the olive bucket you scored. Ekster Antqiues was definitely my favorite there! They have some amazing stuff. Megan

Old Lucketts Store said...

Great pictures! Thanks so much for coming this weekend!

Hetty said...

Too bad I could not make it to Lucketts although I live in NoVa. But your pictures give a great impression! Thanks! Hetty

Good Time Charlie said...

I am so enjoying all the pictures that bloggers are sharing of Lucketts. How much fun you must have had! Sorry about the pollen count!

Not Too Shabby said...

Hi Sharon, I made it to Lucketts on Sunday. Guess what? I bought the slate tiles to use as placemats!! I have 8 of them and are willing to lend them to you whenever you have that garden party!

Http:// said...

I can't believe how much fun you had. It makes my creative juices flow-that is for sure!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

Shannah @ Just Us Four said...

Wow, that is some seriously amazing stuff! Looks like a fun trip.

Whats Ur Home Story said...

Came here from the Lucketts blog. A fellow local blogger here. Glad you had so much fun there. I was there on Sunday and had a great time and had some awesome finds.
Vidya @ Whats Ur Home Story

Connie in Hartwood said...

I loved meeting you and Megan in person!! It was one of the highlights of my weekend.

It was definitely an allergy-filled weekend. I don't know what was different between home and Lucketts, but I was also nearly turned wrong-side out sneezing and sniffling all weekend.

Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

Just found your site this morning! I wish that we would have been able to meet each other~ I have the burlap wreath, bottles with numbers and garden tote items in are in your photos you took at Lucketts! Had so much fun. Hopefully next year I can say "hello!"

Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

Just found your site this morning! I wish that we would have been able to meet each other~ I have the burlap wreath, bottles with numbers and garden tote items in are in your photos you took at Lucketts! Had so much fun. Hopefully next year I can say "hello!"