We have a local unfinished furniture store that sells this milk paint. I've been wanting to try it try it for awhile now. And who could resist a color called buttermilk yellow?
I was pleased with the finish, but this paint was extremely thick and a bit of a challenge to work with. But once I thinned it down a bit, it went on smoothly. It was however, more expensive than most traditional paint.

Along with the milk paint, I picked up some yellow ochre glaze. I brushed it on with a sponge brush and rubbed it off with a soft cloth. I liked the color and the glaze very easy to work with.

The beauty of glazing is that you can use as much or as little as you like. Just be sure to have a wet and a dry cloth handy. If you are not happy with the result, you can just wipe it off and ty again. It's pretty much fool-proof!
The photo below really shows what a difference glaze can make. The top drawer has the finished glaze, the middle drawer has wet glaze that has not yet been rubbed off and the third drawer has no glaze at all.
A dry brush is great for working the glaze into all the little nooks and crannies. It's a Purdy, of course.
Here is my very sophisticated method for painting knobs using a cardboard box.

And here is the finished dresser after a bit of distressing and a few coats of polycrylic for durability. I was really pleased with the result, although this was a really hard color to photograph. I tried outside first, then inside in various rooms with different camera settings. The color is really pretty and much richer in person.
These original wooden knobs are really cute.
And I love the curvy apron along the bottom, plus everything just looks cuter on wheels.
Just perfect for a nursery!