I watched my first marathon today and it was awe-inspiring!
Who wakes up on a Saturday morning, puts on some running shoes and goes out there and pounds the pavement for 26 miles? Seriously, 26 miles and 385 yards to be exact! Well, I saw thousands of people do it today. And those runners came in all sizes and shapes. Some were young and strong, some more young-at-heart. Some breezed across the finish line, some had to push through the pain. But they all shared a certain level of drive and commitment. They prepared both physically and mentally. And they went out there and pushed themselves to the limit. Without a doubt, awe-inspiring!
Congratulations Ryan! You looked great out there today!
You know it's really hard to take a picture when you are jumping up and down and cheering, while your subject is running past you! That's Ryan in the red shirt on the far right.
Ryan's goal was finish in under 4 hours. His time today was 3:42.
Way to go Ryan!
Congratulations to all the runners!
When was the last time you took on a challenge and pushed yourself to the limit?

An amazing achievement. I'll never understand the how, but I definitely understand the why. x
Amazing...and wonderful that he bested his own goal! Congrats, Ryan! Diana
way to go, ryan!!!! what a great time, too!!!
What an accomplishment. I am embarrassed to say it makes me tired just thinking about it :) Good for him!
Yay! I don't know how those marathon runners do it! Congrats Ryan!
Congrats to Ryan! What an amazing accomplishment!
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