After months of dreaming, planning, thrifting, painting and so much more ...
our first Elizabeth & Co. Tag Sale has come and gone.
And guess what, it totally exceeded our wildest expectations.
We are thrilled and exhausted!
This is pretty much what we were left with,
a few odds and ends waiting to be picked up by their new owners.
Customers were waiting long before we opened the doors. One woman reached her arm through the door with a handful of money begging to buy this bench from the porch.
As Susan helped her load it into her car, I went running out with my camera yelling,
"Wait, I need a picture!"
Ok, now we were ready!
Mother Nature blessed us the most gorgeous weather on Friday and Saturday.
After a scorching summer here in Maryland, it was a cool and breezy,
with bright sunshine streaming through all the windows.
The house really sparkled and you could just feel it coming to life!
People kept asking us if the house was for sale too. No, it's not.
This was my husband's grandparent's home and it is filled with many
happy memories for him!
The flowers were a sweet surprise from some very dear friends!
We not only filled the house, but the porches and the yard too.
Pretty amazing what three girls can accomplish!
Don't you love the old doors?
Susan handled the front desk like a pro.
And thanks to our friend Renae for lending a hand.
There were times when it was pretty crazy!
It was a weekend filled with fun and laughter and thankfully,
lots of shopping too!
The best part was the love and support of our family and friends -
some old, some new!
A huge thank you to all!!!
Will there be another Tag Sale? You bet, probably in the spring.
Our heads are already spinning with ideas and projects.
It's our mission to convert the world to vintage,
one Tag Sale at a time!
So stay tuned, we'll keep you posted on our progress.
And hugs to Karla and Susan, the best partners a girl could ask for!!!
And hugs to Karla and Susan, the best partners a girl could ask for!!!

Great job and I am glad it was such a success for you! Your work is beautiful and that surely paid off at sale time! Congratulations, did good! Daian
My daughter and I are hoping to do this same thing...hopefully we will be finsihing up and ready before the Fall season is over....although I don't know.. I used to do this with a friend and it was SOOOO much fun...made it more than worth the time and effort it took~
i heard from my pal emily that it was awesome! she showed me a pic of what she got and i am insanely jealous! i hope i get to come next time... thank goodness there is going to be a next time!
How exciting! Congrats on the success. Everything looks so amazing :) I'd love to do something like this, but I would be lonely. I don't know anyone else who does this kind of thing in my part of the midwest....
The house looks so beautiful, homey, and colorful! I love how you grouped everything and created little vignettes. It is so neat to see all the different pieces come together. I really hope to make it to the next sale!
Sharon, once again, a great post. The pictures and text were spot on. You attention to detail pays off!!! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to live my dream!
For those of you who missed it, you could just tell what a wonderful time the welcoming, smiling, hard working ladies of Eliz. & Co. were having - and all the good vibes were contagious. Congratulations!
Great pieces for sale! Wish I could have come shopping! Congrats on it doing so well.
That is very impressive as to what the three of you were able to accomplish. WTG on your first tag sale. Lots of beautiful items.
I wish I had friends nearby that we could do something like this together! How fabulous :)
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