So I told you about the great sale I went to last weekend. I've been trying to stock up a bit on furniture so that I have some projects to help get me through the winter. But there was one thing I was not quite ready to share. It was a gift for Megan and I wanted her to see it first. I am happy to report that she loves it!
Megan absolutely loves to read! She is my go-to source for book recommendations. And as a high school English teacher and advisor for the school newspaper, she encouraged her students to read as well. And if you are ever on Cash Cab and need help with a question, call Megan. She knows what's going on in the world. One reason for that is that Megan starts every morning with a cup of tea and The New York Times. It's the home page on her computer. And she regularly forwards articles to me and to her friends.

So, when I came across this vintage New York Times newpaper rack, I knew it was meant for Megan!

I love to give presents and try to make them personal and unique. I think this one fit the bill perfectly!
I'm linking to...