
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer Tag Sale!

Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend! Here at home, we had a good combination of work and playtime. Ok, there was probably more work than playtime. I think maybe my husband was happy to head back to his real job this morning before I found another project for him. But it was all good and very productive!

And I have all sorts of exciting new to share! First up, the girls at Elizabeth & Co. have been sooo productive, that we've decided that we need to have a summer tag sale. Yes, our little house on Main Street is overflowing with good stuff. Time to hang up our sign and have a sale!

So mark your calendars for Saturday, July 23rd from 9am to 3pm.

Our little house is located at 438 East Main Street, Westminster, MD .

Hope you can join us!

I have personally have been in a painting frenzy trying to clean out my garage for three reasons. First, the pile of furniture in there was driving me crazy! Second, our upcoming summer sale is in just three weeks! And third, because this sweet girl is headed back to Maryland!

Megan and her handsome husband Liam have been living in Kentucky, a nice state, but 9 very long hours away! The plan was to be there for another year. But a wonderful and unexpected job opportunity came along and that means house guests and a U-Haul full of furniture will be arriving on my doorstep in a few days. We are over the moon thrilled! Don't you love it when wonderful and unexpected surprises come your way? Megan has been a long distance partner at Elizabeth & Co. from the very beginning. Her middle name is Elizabeth, part of the reason we are Elizabeth & Co. She's creative and crafty and got me started painting furniture when she was decorating her first post-college home. She created this little blog on a weekend visit last summer. And now she's headed home. I can't wait to see what happens next!

***And if you would like to be on our mailing list for updates on upcoming sales here at Elizabeth & Co., just let me know at . We send email reminders and post cards. See you on July 23rd! Megan will be there too!


  1. I've been in purging mode so it's probably a GOOD thing that you're not nearby or I would probably have a carload of your goodies! Would love to see what you clear out!

  2. great news for you! :) 9 hours is too far, even though KY is a great place to live! hahahah
    good luck on the upcoming painting and tag sale!

  3. you know i am so happy for you!!!
    but so bummed that the saturday of your sale is THE saturday i am at the beach! one of these days, sharon! you need to consult me before you plan the date of the next sale. ;)

  4. I'm so excited for you both! Wish I could be at your sale! Only problem is, I'm in Illinois!:( Good luck with it, I'm sure it'll be a great success!


  5. Excellent news about your daughter. I'm so excited for you...wish I could come to the tag sale. It'd be quite a trip from Ohio but I'm sure it would be worth it. My daughter is 90 minutes away and I complain about that (not to her of course.) 9 hours would have sent me over the edge!

  6. Hmmmmm ... I wonder what I'm doing on the weekend of your sale. (can you hear the wheels turning?)

    Purging and organizing must be in the air right now. I just hope I can follow through and make good use of all this motivation I'm feeling right now.

  7. I'm so disappointed this is the Saturday I save for vacation. I'll be on the lookout for an autumn tag sale (fingers crossed). Have a great time on the 23rd!
