
Friday, May 30, 2014

May Garden Happenings

 I just love walking through the gardens. There is always something new to enjoy. So I thought I'd share a little tour of what's been happening in the garden this month. From the first spring bulbs to the flowering trees and shrubs, the month of May is always an explosion of color. And it all happens so fast. If you blink (or get busy with a tag sale), you just might miss something!


The azaleas are original to the house and have been relocated several times. They always bloom during the first week of May, just in time for Ryan's birthday. So we now just call them Ryan's azaleas.


I love to tuck succulents into every little nook and cranny.

By the end of the month, the azaleas are finished and the rhododendrons are in full bloom.

Purple is not my favorite garden color, but these shrubs are also original to the house (about 34 years), so they are a sentimental favorite.

 The Chinese Fringe Tree is so beautiful and unique. It smells sweet and reminds us of Hawaii. So we just ignore the fact that it makes us all sneeze!

The vegetables are all planted in their raised beds. Kevin is in charge of the veggies. He's planted tomatoes, peppers, onions, radishes, peas, beans and red beets so far.

And we can't take credit for the beautifully crisp edges and curves of the gardens. My Mother's Day gift every year is a wonderful landscaping crew. They come in and give all the gardens a jump start for the year - weeding, mulching and edging - an amazing gift from my sweet hubby!

Pink Baby's Breath is a new addition this year for baby Clare!

Even a few rusty flowers grow in our garden!


I love my little potting bench by the shed!

 Kevin and I added this meandering stone pathway to the shade garden over the Memorial Day weekend.

It leads to Megan and Liam's wedding arch.

 A flag blowing in the breeze is a sure sign of summer!

The flower beds are all planted with perennials. They are low maintenance and just get bigger and better every year. But I also plant annuals and herbs in pots and keep them close to the house to make watering easier.

I love the chartreuse green of Creeping Jenny. It is a perennial that I find works really well in pots. Repeating the color brings continuity throughout the garden and it helps cut down on the number of annuals I need to buy. Plus the color is just plain fun!

 Chartreuse green Spirea also lines the front walk.

Strawberries are a are a favorite snack for the chipmunks!

 And I'm trying a variety of blueberry that grows in a pot. We'll see how that goes.

And finally, we have screens covering the pond at the moment because .....

we're trying to protect the fish .....

from this most unwelcome guest!
Yes he's pretty, but he eats our fish!!!

So there you have it. That's what's been happening in my garden over the last few weeks. I hope you feel like you joined me for a walk. And I hope you're not too tired, that was a long one!

I'll be back on Sunday with our June Garden Party!
I can't wait to share features from our May Garden Party
and see what's new in your garden!
Elizabeth and Co.